Cubby House
Pull back the blanket door and enter the cubby where kids make all the rules. This game is one of the game packs designed for kids between 2 and 7 years old for Play9, who provides a range of digital gaming and interactive playgrounds for kids in a commercial environment.
My Role : Game Art, Logo Design, Character Creation, UI Design, Background Illustration
Client : Internal
Project Date : 2015
Project Agency : tkm9 Group / Play9
Creative & Art Direction : Gabbie Ciavarella, Darren O'Mahony
Animation : Jason Poley, Valentine Gunadharma
Game Development : Sacha Ventura

Home Screen – Choose one of the three games to play, Pull back the blanket door and enter the cubby where kids make all the rules.
Play pod unit at Highcross Shopping Centre Leicester, UK.

Band Room – Welcome to the Band Room. Touch any instrument to rock-out.

Na-Nah! – Catch as many kids as you can in this super fast and cheeky hide and seek game.